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I really liked this game! I love the cinematics, the music, and the gameplay. The first gap I did create a sideways platform as I was falling and got stuck in it. I love the look though, it reminds me of Another World. Great job!


Really cool mechanics and concept. I love the music, could use some sfx, the velocity feels nice. Good Game!


Thanks a lot, transmitted you appreciation for the music to the musician. And what SFX, you mean the music wasn't loud enough to hide the absence of them ? Hahaha !


Okay you need to make a full game of this. 

So let me just get the couple of bad/annoying things out of the way first.

How the hell does bunnyhopping work? I couldn't seem to do anything with it.

More than once I was able to push myself into the wall with sideways platforms, thanks to the reset button it wasn't a huge deal but still a bit annoying.

The text was a little small and there was no full screen-button so I had to play it in a tiny embed.

Anyways on to the stuff you actually want to hear.

The opening was fan-*******-tastic you set the entire world, setting and story within like the first 60 seconds and I was hooked IMMEDIATELY. The character talking as you played was great but as mentioned previously the text could have been easier to see.

The art is great I love the pixel art characters and backgrounds it all felt very consistent and really on theme with your world.

Wait disregard the part about bunnyhopping, I went back to listen to the music again cos it was such a bop and figured it out. I had to keep tapping. Your speedrun/tutorial video really helped!

Anyways the music absolutely rocks it fits the high speed intense vibes of being on the run really well and like I said above I went back to listen to it just while writing this cos I loved it so much.

Gameplay wise I loved the alchemy mechanic of summoning the platform but the wall jumping and climbing felt really slow by comparison. I saw in your video you basically skipped all the slow parts with speedrun strats which is awesome but as a new player going slow and climbing up the walls felt meh. There was nothing wrong with it functionally but because you gave such an AWESOME alternative to moving around with the player and platforms it just felt so much worse by comparison.

I want more, the world begs to be expanded and I loved the enemy designs. Quick question you said they were from Flamel corp (I think?). This has to have been a nod to Nicolas Flamel right? My immediate thoughts were "Oh my god is he like some insane immortal dictator in this post-apocalyptic world? Is he hunting wild alchemists to stop them discovering the secret to his philosophers stone?

You captured my entire imagination immediately and now I am ravenous for more.

Thanks you so much ! I transmitted your appreciation for the art and music to both artists and they are very pleased ! They really did an amazing job that really created a cool atmosphere and elevated the game up a notch.

Yeah, there are problems I did not have the time to solve like the resolution and the not very good teaching of the mecanics, I did see that when playtesting with people but I was not able to change it as I was not productive enough. And yeah, you did see the "Flamel" correctly, it is definitely a nod to Nicolas Flamel. As to what happens I'll not spoil you haha.

I probably intend to make a more polished and advanced version of this game in the future (I need to develop my programming skills a bit more I think haha) and your feedback really helped to see what could be revised (wall jumping mainly) for it to be more satisfying, maybe the levels design a bit too.

Do you care sharing what time you did manage to get ?

Again, thanks and love from the team !


Very high octane with satisfying music


This is really cool! I really like the mechanics. I can see how I can play this A LOT MORE! Very addictive

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Thanks you, yeah I tried adding replayability but might have not teached the payer enough... I had one payer try it out for hours haha. Thanks for playing we really appreciate it !

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For the record, and if anyone wants to beat me, here's my own time. I had a little training time advantage :p


Cool game! Really liked the mechanics and a good variety of how they could be used. Extra plus from the intro! Great job!

Thank you ! Means a lot !